Monday, March 21, 2016

What Is A Closed Head Injury?

Head injuries of all kinds are serious. There are two broad categories of head injuries called closed head injuries and open head injuries. There are several things that distinguish closed head injuries including:

• No object penetrates the brain
• Often no visible wound
• Causes brain to knock against the skull

No Visible Injury

Closed head injuries, while serious, are hard to see to an untrained eye. That’s why it is so important to seek medical care after an accident or injury involving the head. You may not be able to see a cut, gash or penetrating object, but that does not mean there was no internal injury. The only way to diagnose a closed head injury is by a medical exam in imaging tests such as x-rays, MRIs and CAT scans.

Sudden Trauma

Closed head injuries are often the result of a sudden blow to the head or violent motion. This can happen in a car crash when your body is caught by the seat belt or in other types of accidents. This type of injury might not leave any visible mark on the person’s head or face, but can cause the brain to knock against the skull.

Closed head injuries can cause you to miss work and take time to heal. If you are need a closed head injury attorney in Wilmington, visit this website.

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