Thursday, April 14, 2016

What To Do If You Have Been Bitten By A Neighbor’s Dog

You likely see people walking their pooches every single day. They may seem like harmless animals, but you never know when one will bite you completely unprovoked. For this reason, many people wonder if they are capable of suing someone if his or her dog bit them.

You can Sue

The short answer is that you are able to sue a neighbor if his or her dog bit you and caused you harm. You should contact an attorney as soon as possible after the injury occurred. Two things will need to be proved, and these include showing that the dog was not provoked and that the dog caused you significant harm.

What can Be Covered?

You can sue the dog owner in an attempt to receive damages. You are able to receive compensation to cover medical expenses and any pain and suffering that occurred as a result of the bite.

Many people are hesitant to take a dog owner to court, especially if it is a neighbor or someone they know. However, if the bite was severe enough, then the medical bills can really add up. You should take the steps necessary to try to receive any damages owed to you, so to get started, visit this website to find a dog bite injury attorney in Clinton.

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